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Welcome to my blog.
Here you will learn a little about me and my interests. I would like to think that I am an interesting person and may like different things than most people. I love art and I wish to go in a career path in this field. I also love working with computers and making stuff my own. I hope you like what you see and enjoy leaning about me. :)


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Second Song Review; Only Girl by Rihanna.


   Robyn Rihanna Fenty, was born in Saint Michael, Barbados on February 20th, 1988. Better known as Rihanna now when she moved to the United States when she was 16, after being noticed by Jay-Z. Coming for a rough childhood you would never know about, Rihanna is still strong and is very successful. This is where her strength comes from in her songs. Rihanna has may idols that she looks up to and wants to become like including Mariah Carey, Madonna, Beyonce and bob Marley. "[Madonna] has reinvented herself throughout her career and moved into different areas. I want to be the black Madonna." Rihanna defiantly has the fashion sense like Madonna with her own unique twist.  New York magazine described Rihanna's early look as a cookie-cutter teen queen while stating that she has the ability to shift looks so dramatically and with such ease.
    So this song starts off with a disco, r&b feel. This dance-pop song takes elements from Europop giving it that extra humph. I know what your thinking, Rihanna really? But I actually think that she is very talented she has an amazing voice with a very wide range.
This song is the number one single on her new album "Loud", Rihanna's fifth single album. "Only Girl" top almost all of the charts around the world, particularly in New Zealand and Australia. Where in these countries she made the single a platinum and tipple platinum. This song topped the US Billboards, making it Rihanna's ninth top single. She is a very powerful young woman not to mention her sex appeal which we can all agree sells. Unfortunately she did not write this song herself, but however she preforms it well.

    The video for this song was released on October, 13th 2010. Anthony Mandler produced the video. Rihanna said "It's really, really beautifully shot in these crazy, crazy, crazy places, We shot landscapes that we found a couple hours outside of L.A. It looks so unreal. It looks fake, like something out of a postcard with the beautiful hills… We had a lot of sunshine those couple of days, so it really worked with the whole essence of the video. But really, the video just shows this big landscape and the only person there is me."
    This video makes Rihanna look like the only girl in the world which makes her look dominant and makes the boys want her and the girls want to be her. The video landscapes are so beautiful I think that they help leave the sense of being alone at ease making the video upbeat like the song.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Interview Assignment, Summitive.

Interview Assignment
Interviewee: Brady Carmichael

Q: What year were you born and where were you born?

A: “ I was born in 1993 on September 23rd in London, Ontario.”

Q: Who are your parents and what do they do?

A: “My dad is a miner at the salt mine in Goderich, Sifto, His name is Joe Carmichael and my mother is currently unemployed because she just had a baby, Her name is Donna Hildebrand.”

Q: How many siblings do you have?

A: “I have three siblings in total me being the only from my dad. The oldest being Keisha Hildebrand, they are all younger than I am. The second being Cloe Hildebrand and the last being Claire Hildebrand. Claire was the one who was just born she has downs syndrome.” 

Q: Do you live with your sisters?

A: “No, I do not live with them, the youngest two live with my mom and Keisha lives with my aunts in Mantilouin Island. She is living the life, my aunts spoil her.”

Q: Where do you live currently?

A: “I am currently living with the Peachey’s here in town, I don’t live with my dad. Under the circumstances where I live is pretty good. I live with Anne and Wayne I have known then since I was little and Anne is the one introduced me to dog shows.”

Q: Are you involved with dog showing currently?

A: “I am not currently because Anne doesn’t have a dog to show also I am too involved with basketball and school. I used to show dogs almost every weekend. I showed for Dorothy Greenaway who owns Greendor Shelties.” 

Q: What is your favourite type of dog to show?

A: “Showing Shelties are my favourite because they show well and all the time consuming to groom them they come out looking really good. So from this you are proud to show them. They are fluffy and they look like a little lion.” 

Q: What sports do you play?

A: “When September comes I play basketball, I play it because it keeps me in shape, it is something to do and I like to be aggressive. I play Volleyball too I play the position of the labaro. I am too short to be a setter, a blocker or a right and left hitter.”

Q: What do you plan on doing in the future?

A: “I am staying a fifth year at G.D.C.I because I am not ready to go to Collage yet. Then I plan on going on to Sheridan Collage which is in Brampton for animal care. I hope to be a vet technician because I think that it is important that animals get assistance.”

Q:  If I may ask you for being so lovely why don’t you live with your parents?

A:  “Well, first off I don’t live with my mother because she is unemployed and she lives in a one bedroom apartment and she overall couldn’t support me. Also she can barely support the two kids that she has, she currently lives in Lucan.” “With my dad, let’s just say shit hit the fan. We don’t get along and communication is a problem. Instead of being a normal kid I have to play the wife role and do everything because he was a single parent. Don’t get me wrong I love my dad but I would rather have a relationship with out living with him.”

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Stairway To Heaven"- Led Zeppelin

         "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin is the song I chose because it was once one of the greatest songs of all time. 
         I chose this not because it was my favourite song but because it caught my attention when I were going through songs. 
        This song was released in 1971 with a running time of almost eight minutes (7:59). This song was composed by the band Led Zeppelin a rock band from England. It was composed by the members Jimmy Page (guitarist), Robert Plan (vocalist and tambourine), John Paul Jones (recorder, electric piano and bass) and John Bonham (drums).  It consists of many layers first starting with acoustic then going through to electric. 
       In 2000, the song was rated 3rd best in the world according to "VH1" on the list of 100 greatest rock songs. Also it was a song that was most requested in the United States of FM radio station in the 1970's, despite the fact it wasn't offically released as a single. In 2007 of November through the downloading sales promoting Led Zeppelin, Stairway To Heaven was #37 on the UK chart.
      The song starts as a slow acoustic-based folk accompanied by the recorders then comes an electric intro. The song actually starts at (0.56 seconds into the song). Thus this "folk" section ending at 2:15 into the song and gradually moves into a slow electric section. The guitar solo starts at 5:34 to 6:44 being almost a minute long solo. The drums don't enter the song until 4:18, the drums adding a little bit of percussion to the strings.
    I think that this is one of those songs that people are going to remember for a long time. When we are old and our children are growing up it will be one of those songs that our kids will remember as being a great song. This is a song that my mom used to listen to and from her listening to it i got used to it and it made me like it also. When i was younger I was listening to the older music over the "newer" music because it caught my attention. I think that knowing that it was something that my mom liked, someone that I looked up to made me want to like it too. I also heard it a lot when I was younger.
    This song makes me think of someone that has passed in my life time that i very much cared for. This person being my sister someone who I looked up to, it helps me think of the good memories we shared together. I think that the song makes me think of her passing and the journey one takes to get there. It makes me think of peace and happiness that she must feel. The starting of the song makes this "journey" more meaningful. The starting of the song says " There's a lady who's sure, all that glitters is gold and she's buying the stairway to heaven". This makes me think of an angel that is glistening in the journey to heaven and the stairway is her journey. She is getting there because she knows that it is the way to go and she will now be safe.  
    This song is a really good song and I recommend it to anyone who had not heard it before. I think that it could have a similar effect one someone in the same situation or even a different one. It all depends on someones point of view.
