Welcome :)

Welcome to my blog.
Here you will learn a little about me and my interests. I would like to think that I am an interesting person and may like different things than most people. I love art and I wish to go in a career path in this field. I also love working with computers and making stuff my own. I hope you like what you see and enjoy leaning about me. :)


Monday, September 20, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

three movie posters we liked.

- divides into three parts well
- is straight to the point and doesn't have much clutter.
- well back lit
- it has the catch phrase at the top and the title at the bottom and release date
- she is creepy and relates well to the theme and they use creepy colours that fit well

- the composition is well thought out and it splits into three parts well
- we like how the red indicates to the "Joker" while seeing batman
- we like the arrangement of the cards to create the theme
- the sketchy scalpel points directly at the main theme of the movie to help the viewer's eyes go to what's important 
- We like the colour composition that is used

    - We like how Michael is sort of holding the title and release date
- separates well into three parts and is parallel
- we also like how inside of Michael is his stage and this helps the viewer understand more about the movie
- We liked the catch phrase, for Michael fans this would make them want to see it.
- Lastly we like the colour balance and how the only colour is him, which makes this more appealing to the viewer.

Friday, September 10, 2010

          This is currently the poster I made for the class. I think that it looks pretty cool, I really like Gimp you can do a lot with it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Double rainbow?

       A double rainbow is pretty amazing to see but, I think this guy may have taken it a little too far. He starts crying over a rainbow? I thought this video was pretty funny. When he starts saying that it's so beautiful, that's funny. I will admit it is really cool to see but I don't think I would start crying about it and put it on YouTube. 

Art attack.



  Art is an important thing in my life I really love to explore what colours and patterns do to make something better in life. Art matters, if we didn't have art and creativity in life then we wouldn't have anything cool to look at. I personally think that art makes a big impact on almost everything in life from architecture to designing anything on a computer. It is a life style that everyone should be proud of, if we didn't have the greats like Vincent Van Goh or Leonardo Da Vinci then we wouldn't have many of the famous and beautiful paintings today. If no one was motivated to be creative then we wouldn't have this program that I am currently using I think that like would be boring and everyone would be the same. No one would have individuality to think of a vision and want to create something amazing. Without art we wouldn't have movies today or video games. It is all linked with art and how we vision something we want to happen. Like a director for a movie wants the actors to look a certain way, that is an important thing of art is designing and creating something. My personal favorite artist of all time would be Leonardo Da Vinci, he was amazingly talented. He was the jack of all trades smart and talented. He not only was a painter he also was a sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. He was one of the first Italian men who wanted to learn about anatomy. He often expieramented on humans to learn how the human body worked. This was not allowed in Italy in the 1400's, he was an amazing artist and much more. My favorite painting of his would be "The Last Supper" or "The Mona Lisa". They look like this:

"The Mona Lisa"
"The Last Supper"

The Ballerina

This is a picture of one of my pieces of art:

Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

        I love this song, I didn't want to put the video because it is kind of inappropriate in some parts but it is a good song overall. I really like Katie Perry and her songs they have good meaning to them. After all this is a teenage dream.

A little about Dakota.

Dakota Marie:
My full name is Dakota Marie Halfpenny, I was born in Staford, Ontario,Canada on September 7th 1993. I just turned 17 on the first day of school, lucky me (joking). I currently work at Tim Horton's in Goderich. I love to listen to music when I'm at home alone. When I have nothing better to do I like to sit down and watch an old movie of some sort. My favorite type of movie would probably be thriller because I personally think that they are the most exciting. The odd "chick flick" is okay too, seeing as my favorite movie is "The Notebook". I enjoy going to the beach in the summer time considering it's so convenient for me in Goderich. I lived in Camberage, Ontario untill I was eight and then I moved to Dungannon for six years. It's just ten minutes outside of Goderich. I moved into Goderich at the start of grade ten. I really like it here, it's such a wonderful place to live. I live with my mom and my younger brother Jacob who is turning eight. I have a cat named Milo, who I adopted from the Humane Society around this time last year. When I go off to collage somewhere I want to per-sure a career to do with art. I would really love to be a graphic designer but there is so many different fields that lead off of it. An interior designer would be cool too, I just have not decided what I want to do yet. I am taking art this semester and I really love both this class and that class. I don't really know which one I like best. They are both pretty cool.
